Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What I learned from the Bead Soup Blog Hop

This weekend was crazy busy for me.  I had my parents in town visiting, a wedding to go to and a day to spend at Epcot.  I finally got a chance to visit some of the blogs yesterday and I am still working my way through the list.  Here are some things I picked up:

1.  Blogger does not like me

I know that I added some new blogs to my reader, some even twice, but they are no where to be found.  I know I have done it before, so what gives?  User error?

2.  My stuff is sooooo boring

So many people had such fun multi-strand designs.  Me, I stick with the tried and true one strand symmetrical design.  I really have to shake it up a little bit.  Also there was so much chain.  I always pick up chain when it is on sale, then never do anything with it.  Must try new things.

3.  Why can't I comment on some blogs, but can on others?

I also tried commenting on some other blogs, and it WILL NOT LET ME DO IT. I tried everything. I am certain once again that it is user error, but I have no idea how do fix that particular problem.

Everyone did such a great job, I am going to have to keep making my way through this huge list.


  1. I can so relate to this post!

    Still making my way through the huge list of participants, but I also feel like my stuff is boring. For the most part I do the one strand, symmetrical styles. Just can't wrap my brain around asymmetrical design!

  2. I was also having problems commenting. Sometimes it would say I was "anonymous" and other times it would tell me I wasn't authorized to comment. I went to the blogger log in and unchecked the 'keep me logged in' box and I haven't had a problem since. Something to try?
