Friday, August 26, 2011

Is it the weekend yet?

I am so ready to shut the book on this week.  Have some fun this weekend and start it all over again on Monday.  It is my baby's birthday today.  I can't believe he went from this:

One week

To this, four years old.

Sigh.  Side note-I cannot seem to tame the bedhead.  I comb it, I wet it, it does nothing.  It eventually restores order, but I do bring him to school like this.  I haven't gotten a chance to play with any beads lately, but I did try a tutorial that I saw.  It was instructions on how to make a bracelet with some chain and embroidery floss.  Since I just happened to have both on hand; I gave it a shot.  ( I had a whole bag filled with different color floss.  Why do I have all of this? I don't even embroider?  Anyway..)

I really liked it, so I thought I would try some different chain and colors.

They look cute on.

I tried to take a picture of it "in action" on my wrist, but this is the only one that wasn't frightening looking.  My arm looks very hairy and veiny all on its own.  Scary.  I cropped as much as I could just trying to focus on the bracelet. I need an arm model. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Bead Soup is with my partner!

Yea!  I was getting a little nervous because I had sent it about two weeks ago and I didn't know whether or not it had arrived.  Here is what I sent my partner, Stephanie.

Some gemstone oval beads, ceramic beads, shell beads, czech glass beads, nut beads, wood beads, some Gaea ceramic beads, copper clasps and ceramic pendants.  The seahorse pendant is by Spirited Earth and the other one is by Natures Adornments

Mine should be coming any day now, I can't wait to see!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am having a rough week

Normally, I would never discuss something like this, but honestly I just have to get it off my chest.  My son has behavorial issues.

There.  I said it.  I am not ashamed of it, nor do I think that there is anything about him that is unfixable.  He just needs some extra attention.  A special class.

He started preschool this week and has been something of a handful.  He doesn't like to sit, and figets.  He runs ALOT.  He talks out of turn and doesn't seem to be mature enough to handle some of the tasks that the other children are capable of completing.  I have been letting my husband take him in to discuss some different options with the teacher.  I had to pick him up today.

While waiting in line at the open door, I saw a group of moms pointing and talking about my son.  What's wrong with him??? 

Logan has a birthday on Friday; he will be four.

When did it become acceptable for a group of adults to stand around and make fun of a child? 

Why are our kids bullies?  Because we are.  We show them how to act through our actions.  We tell them to not pick on someone but then do the complete opposite. 

Maybe everyone should remember those lessons we learned in preschool.  Being nice to others.  Not saying mean things about anyone.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.

I'm sure they weren't aware that the child's mother was standing not 6 inches from their little group, but that certainly doesn't make right.

Logan will be fine.  He will have every chance and every help I can provide to him.  He is not a mean child, nor an angry one.  He's silly, happy and funny.  He loves babies and animals, and I would not trade him for a dozen calm children. 

Maybe if everyone just make the effort to be a little bit nicer to one person, other people would do the same.  Then maybe our kids would be nicer to each other too.

Ok, end of rant.  We will now return to our regularly scheduled program of beads and beady things. 

I am still waiting on my bead soup, hopefully I should hear something soon......

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mostly Metal Challenge

Thanks so much to Michelle Mach for hosting this challenge, I had a good time coming up with some designs with my kit.  These are my two pieces.  I wanted to get another one completed, but just never found the time.

I tried putting the sari silk on a necklace, but it just wasn't comfortable when I put it on.  So,the necklace became earrings.

This pendant came from Hopemore.  I found it one day when I was searching on Etsy for polymer clay pendants.  I used some black o-rings and added the charm at the side.

Close up of the focal and the charm.

Thanks for stopping by - here are the other participants.

Antique Brass Romantic

Filigree Fun

Gunmetal Love

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Tale of Two Stephanies

My partner for the upcoming Bead Soup Party is the lovely Stephanie Dixon.  I already sent out my soup at the beginning of last week, so hopefully she should be getting it any day now.  I can't wait to see what she sent me.  I was going to post a teaser, but cannot figure out how to pixelate my picture enough to keep it a surprise, so I will just hold off until she receives it.  Hope she likes it!  Come back tomorrow for the Mostly Metal Challenge Blog Hop hosted by Michelle Mach.

 Have a great week!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Inspired by Tiger Lilies Challenge

Heather from Humblebeads is hosting a challenge on her blog every week to prepare for the upcoming release of her book.  I already pre-ordered by copy through Amazon and cannot wait until it arrives in my mailbox.  I don't know too much about tiger lilies or any flower for that matter, but I had one of her lovely tiger lily beads in my possession so I thought I could string it up into something pretty.

Super simple but it has everything I like - wood beads, czech glass beads and a toggle clasp.  Check out the other entries on flickr.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I have to go on a bead diet

This does not make me happy.  I think I would be less cranky if I had to go on a real diet and only eat salads and stuff.  Giving up carbs and ice cream, no problem.  Beads?  Not so much.  But in the interest of saving money, no more beads.  For right now.  This month.  Next month?  It's my birthday so we will see.  So in lieu of my weekly perusing the bead aisles at Michaels or Joann or Hobby Lobby, I went shopping in my office (aka the bead warehouse) to see what I might have forgotten about.  And found all the stuff to make this:

Just sitting in a box, totally forgotten about.  Wondering why it had not been turned into this yet.

So there you go, maybe it won't be so bad for right now.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bead Soup Time!

I signed up for the Bead Soup Blog Party again.  I am super excited!  I already know what I am going to send to my partner, I picked out the stuff this morning.  Thanks so much to Lori Anderson for organizing this!

Stay tuned for soupy goodness....